Highlights from a few projects in 2018
Heritage and Trails Foundation is off to a busy start in 2018. The board met in February and approved several grants that will positively impact equestrian trails and trail work in various parts of the state.

High Line Conservancy

High Line Conservancy
High Line Conservancy
The High Line Canal Trail is one of the most important urban trails in the United States, and receives very heavy equestrian use along virtually all of its length. The High Line Conservancy has been established to protect and enhance the full length of the trail and its integration into other trail systems in the Denver Metro area. As a Founding Partner with the High Line Canal Conservancy, the Roundup Riders will be recognized with permanent signage, indicating sponsorship of one mile along the canal’s 71-mile length. The Heritage and Trails Foundation Board felt support of this initiative will benefit the Denver Metro area and countless canal users for decades to come.
Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado
The H&T Board also approved a $10,000 grant request from the Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado to support its 2018 projects involving trail maintenance and restoration work in various locations of high equestrian use. These areas include the San Luis Valley, South Fork and Williams Fork areas, Geneva Creek Trail, Grayback Peak Trail, Tilton Pond Trail at Chatfield, among others. This grant will provide support for some 340 volunteers at these different sites – most generally being weekend projects.

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado

CSU Equine Science Center

CSU Equine Science Center

CSU Equine Science Center
CSU Equine Science Center
A long-time partner of the Roundup Riders and the Heritage and Trails Foundation is the CSU Equine Science Center for teaching projects conceived and led by Chuck Peterson. This year, H&T is supporting two 2018 projects undertaken by Chuck Peterson and his students. These projects include trail clearing in the Routt National Forest near Steamboat, a work-related pack trip for training students in the Rawah Wilderness (including significant trail clearing), and packing in gravel to McIntyre Creek Trail in Rawah Wilderness, for bridge stabilization work.
Western Slope Conservation Center
The final grant approved by the H&T Board was to the Western Slope Conservation Center for a two-week project with Western Colorado Conservation Corps for trail work (turnpikes and drainage) on Little Robinson Trail in West Elk Wilderness of the Paonia District, Gunnison National Forest. This is the type of grant that has tremendous impact, for it not only helps accomplish significant trail work, but it also represents a significant partnership with the Colorado Youth Corps. This sort of grant has an important and lasting, very positive, impact on numerous youth in Western Colorado. Along with the actual trail work, a component or the grant focuses on education for the youth participants on the role of horses and mules in public land management.

Western Slope Conservation Center

Western Slope Conservation Center

Western Slope Conservation Center