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Grant Proposal Guidelines


The Roundup Riders of the Rockies Heritage and Trails Foundation was founded in 1984 for the purpose of providing funding to the National Forest Service and other local and statewide groups for trails and equestrian related projects for public enjoyment and use. Its principal interest is in equestrian trails, facilities, and programs that encourage use by the public while educating about our Western Heritage. Public/private cooperation for completing these sorts of projects has proven to be a successful model, and the Heritage and Trails Foundation is proud to have been a long-term partner with the Forest Service and many other organizations for these types of endeavors.  The Foundation’s grants are intended to serve the public while promoting an interest in our Western Heritage and the role of the horse has played over the generations. The Foundation’s goal is to improve and facilitate access to the publicly owned lands of Colorado and surrounding states.


Grants – Grants from the Heritage and Trails Foundation are made to qualified 501(c)(3) or equivalent organizations.  Grants are not made to individuals or organizations that are not tax-exempt charitable entities.


Requests/Proposals – Should be submitted in writing on appropriate letterhead to the address below or, preferably, electronically to  Proposals should include project scope, objective, time line, partner organizations, benefit to the public, and location.  Proposals also should include a budget for the full project, including potential funding from other sources.  Photos that highlight the nature of the project and the need for the project are encouraged. A copy of the organization’s IRS determination letter (or equivalent), showing its charitable status, is requested. Proposals also should include financial information about the organization in general.  Organizational history and a brief summary of previous projects and accomplishments also would be helpful.


Grant Support – Grants made by the Heritage and Trails Foundation are generally project specific. Requests for unrestricted operational support are not typically approved or funded.


Grant Requirements – A final report, with photographs if appropriate, is requested upon completion of the funded project. Generally, such final reports are due a year after a grant is awarded. If recognition and/or signage for support are part of a completed project, it is requested that the Roundup Riders of the Rockies Heritage and Trails Foundation be listed.


Grant Awards – The board of the Heritage and Trails Foundation meets four times a year in January, April, July, and October to consider grant requests and proposals. Grant requests and proposals are requested in a timely fashion before the meetings so that information can be shared with board members.


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