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Highlights from a few projects in 2020 


Thanks to the generosity of contributing Roundup Riders, the Heritage and Trails Foundation has been able to make some important and significant grants for trail work and improvement projects around Colorado.  The foundation receives funding requests from many organizations and many U. S. Forest Districts

Colorado Parks and Wildlife

2020 new trail construction Colorado Parks and Wildlife at Muller State Park build a brand new equestrian trail - Spur Trail. 

Colorado Trail Foundation

2020 Colorado Trail Foundation Volunteers removed over 100 trees blocking Segment 5 of The Colorado Trail near Kenosha Pass.

Colorado Youth Corps

The Southwest Conservation Corps widened 1/2 mile of trail in the Chris Park Trail System in the San Juan National Forest to make it more equestrian friendly.


The Rocky Mountain Youth Corps constructs water bars to help with the erosion control and to provide sustainability of the Glassier Equestrian Trail.



Continental Divide Trail Coalition

The Continental Divide Trail Coalition and Headwaters Trails Alliance worked with volunteers on 5.5 miles of the CDT in the Arapaho-Roosevelt National Forest to clear 74 downed trees in just two days. This are of the CDT had been hit hard with beetle kill and has deadstand fall every year, making the CDT nearly impassable in areas. 

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado

Nine Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado built two camping pads, installed five drainage structures and constructed 1,750 feet of new multi-use trail over the span of just one weekend. 

Western Slope Conservation Center - Paonia (video)

The Western Slope Conservation Center Volunteers reinforced an upgradient trail edge on the Curecanti Creek Trail, as well as completing a drain and turnpike. 

None of this work would be possible without the significant and generous support from Roundup Riders. Your dedication to the Heritage and Trails Foundation is having a profound and lasting impact on our state, the public trails that benefit Coloradans and tourists alike, and, perhaps most important, the development of our youth. The Heritage and Trails Foundation Board thanks you!

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